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Home / Poor Ventilation and Its Lasting Impact on Your Water Heater

Poor Ventilation and Its Lasting Impact on Your Water Heater

By webdev

Oct 24, 2024

Bell Plumbing inspecting a water heater

Ventilation is an often overlooked aspect of water heater installation. Yet as neglected as it is, it is a crucial element as it can have a lasting impact on your water heater. Bell Plumbing is the company locals trust for water heater repair in San Carlos, CA. Here, we discuss how poor ventilation could lead to costly repairs and safety concerns for your home.

How Poor Ventilation Affects Your Water Heater’s Efficiency

Your water heater relies on a steady flow of air to burn fuel and produce heat. After the conclusion of a water heater installation, it’s important to make sure that the ventilation is clear to ensure efficient operation. Anything less than optimal ventilation can result in inefficiencies that lead to higher energy bills as your heater struggles to maintain water temperature.

Increased Risk of Carbon Monoxide Leaks

One of the biggest dangers of poor water heater ventilation, as is the case with gas water heaters, is the risk of carbon monoxide buildup. Without a proper escape route, the harmful byproducts of combustion—like carbon monoxide—can linger inside your home. Regular water heater maintenance can help address potential carbon monoxide leaks, making sure that a water heater safely expels carbon monoxide outside of your home, keeping you and your family protected.

Safety Hazards and Long-Term Damage

Overlooking proper ventilation in your water heater system doesn’t just hurt your finances; it also poses a safety risk. The buildup of heat and gasses in an improperly vented water heater can lead to equipment failure and a need for a water heater replacement. This could ultimately damage not just the water heater itself but also nearby appliances or parts of your home.

Don’t let poor ventilation put your water heater, your home, and your safety at risk. If you suspect ventilation issues or need an inspection, act now! Schedule a service with us at Bell Plumbing today!

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